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LIVE 7:30pm Tues 22 Oct – MyPlace CSi Club Southport, 154A Scarborough St, Southport, Queensland

6:30pm Wed 23 Oct – FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 411 749 384 895 Passcode 2yBJyK

12:30pm Wed 6 Nov FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 418 932 891 446 Passcode tZBaDj

*all times AEDT (Canberra time)

Property Investment

The why, what, where and how of property! All you need to know about property investing under one roof. Are you tired of conflicting and confusing advice from financial professionals? Financial planners tell you one thing, real estate agents tell you something else and accountants can only talk to you about tax. Buying a property is one of the largest financial decisions in your life and there are no professionals who advise in all of these areas under one roof. Until now.

Cass and Jessica have combined experience of over 30 years in the property industry. Cass has written books on property investment and been a regular contributor in the property investment magazines. Cass bought her first property when she was only 17 and has bought and sold over 30 properties in every state of Australia. She she has also advised clients on purchasing property for over 15 years.

Cass and Jessica can advise on all aspects of property investing including getting the foundations right which includes the correct buying structure (Individual, Trust, SMSF), the best way to structure the finance, the tax implications and all aspects of property development.

Property Advisers Australia can refer you to qualified accountants, financial planners, real estate agents, mortgage brokers and professional property advisors who can advise on ALL aspects of property investing.

How We Can Help

Why to buy property? Why is property the number one investment for wealth creation? Why it excels well above shares and superannuation? Why it is essential to buy property to build wealth and fund your own retirement.

How to buy property? First, build your dream team to help you in the process. Talk to us to help you with the many questions. Should you buy in your own name? Joint names? Tenants in common or Joint Tenants? In a Company, Trust, or Super Fund? Also, how to structure the mortgage? How much you can borrow? How much you should borrow? How to structure the loans to minimise tax and maximise cash flow. What property to buy? Should you buy house and land packages? Or units? Or apartments? Or a combination of both? Should you buy inner city? Or regional? Old or new? 

The questions are endless. Finally, you have professionals who can help answer all these questions for you.

What is the right property strategy for you? Buy and hold? Buy and flip? Buy and build? And many other options. Should you buy a positively or negatively geared property? Where to buy?

What if? What are the risks in buying property and how to manage them?

So you’ve found a property – what next? The finance process, the sales process and the costs of buying a property. Assessing whether you should buy the property? The settlement process.

We are experts in finding the best property, negotiating the best price for you, assisting you arranging the finance, and holding your hand the entire way through the purchase transaction.

All your questions answered and all the assistance you need under one roof.

At Property Advisers Australia it’s all about personalised, professional advice designed specifically for your circumstances. The answers to the above questions vary for each and every client. No one solution fits all. 

Unlike other property investment companies we will not push properties at you until we have determined exactly why, what, where and how you should buy. Only then will we show you properties that specifically meet your individual needs.

Expert advice on property investment in Canberra by qualified professionals so you can invest with confidence for a secure financial future

Property Advisers Australia is a team of qualified and licensed professionals with a wide range of experience in successful property investment. The team specializes in assisting people build financial security through strategic planning. Our expertise includes developing personal portfolio plans, property researching and sourcing, managed property acquisition, property investment coaching and ongoing support. You deserve property investment advice from a company committed to giving you the maximum return.

Reasons to Choose Property Advisors Australia for your property investing advice in Canberra.

Professional advice, property portfolio plans for every client, managed property acquisition – some of the compelling reasons why Property Advisers Australia is the best choice to plan your investment strategy. Find out more here.

Considering buying a Property in your SMSF?

The advantages of buying a property in your self-managed super fund (SMSF) are:

  1. Diversification for risk mitigation: Property adds diversity to your investment portfolio, safeguarding your savings against underperformance in alternative investments, such as stocks.
  2. Leveraging potential growth: Through strategic borrowing, your SMSF can acquire a possibly appreciating assets that might otherwise be financially unattainable, thereby introducing a robust growth element to your retirement fund.
  3. Asset protection from debt collection: Except in cases where property acquisition involves borrowing, your property is shielded from debt collection efforts.
  4. Commercial property options for business owners: Business proprietors can leverage the option to transfer commercial properties into their SMSF, providing a unique avenue for wealth accumulation.
  5. Significant tax benefits: Capital Gains and Rental income can be TAX FREE after age 60.


For more information click here.

Before You Invest Checklist

Investing in property is a big decision and we can assist you to understand if this is the right strategy for you. Issues that you need to consider before you invest in property are;

Structure: what structure should you use to maximize tax benefits – options include purchasing as an individual, company, trust or Self Managed Superannuation Fund.

Taxation: what are the taxation implications, including income tax, negative gearing, Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and Land Tax, particularly how each relate to each of the abovementioned strategies. Choosing the wrong structure can seriously increase your tax liabilities.

Ownership: selecting whose name to buy the property in to maximize tax benefits – most people think that they should buy in the higher income earners name and this may be correct but this can exacerbate CGT and Land Tax.
Deductibility: tax deductibility of pre-purchase and ongoing costs – can you claim the travel expenses to travel around the world (or Australia) looking for property? The answer is maybe, but talk to us first.

We will assist you to understand and provide advice on:

  • how to maximize tax deductions
  • how are you going to record all your expenses
  • should you get a depreciation report
  • what about travel expenses for interstate properties, and
  • can you renovate before a tenant moves in and claim these expenses.

Finance: we know how to structure finance to maximise tax benefits – this is a very important step that many people get wrong.

Equity: we can provide advice as to whether there is any way of legally extracting the equity from your home and using it to buy your next home in a tax effective manner.

Before you take any steps when purchasing a property, talk to us and develop a strategy to maximise your investment.


Wealth Through Property: A Wholistic Guide to All Aspects of Property Investing

Are you tired of conflicting and confusing advice from financial professionals?

Financial planners tell you one thing, real estate agents tell you something else and Accountants only talk to you about Tax. Buying a property is one of the largest financial decisions in your life and there are no professionals who advise across all areas of advice.

Until now. This book is designed to determine Why to buy property? Why is property the number one investment for wealth creation?

Why it excels well above shares and superannuation? Why it is essential to buy property to build wealth and fund your own retirement. How to buy property? How to structure the purchase? What is the Right Property strategy for you? Where to buy? How to identify the upcoming “hotspots”? What are the risks in buying property and how to manage them? And then after you’ve found a property – what next? This book is perfect for those who want ‘real life’ wholistic property advice. Down to earth, simple, yet comprehensive, step by step guide on all areas of property investing.