Live & Online Events

LIVE 7:30pm Tues 22 Oct – MyPlace CSi Club Southport, 154A Scarborough St, Southport, Queensland

6:30pm Wed 23 Oct – FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 411 749 384 895 Passcode 2yBJyK

12:30pm Wed 6 Nov FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 418 932 891 446 Passcode tZBaDj

*all times AEDT (Canberra time)

Meet the team

We are sometimes asked “Why do so many different people contact me? I thought I had one account manager.” The answer to that is simple: yes you do, and they have support staff to enable them to focus on the accounting complexities. We are a specialist SMSF accounting firm and have designed our SMSF set up […]

Aussie stock market “bloodbath”

The Australian stock market has plummeted more than 3 per cent to open this week, continuing its Friday fall in what has been the market’s worst two-day performance since 2022. With share markets pushing all-time highs in recent times, is this the beginning of an imminent correction (further downturn)?   The “bloodbath,” which saw $77bn […]

SMSF stats – you are not alone

According to the ATO’s latest data, you are not alone in taking direct control over your super via an SMSF. In fact, SMSF setups continue upward and there are now 616,400 SMSFs in Australia, with more than 1.1 million members. The total estimated assets of these SMSFs are $932.9 billion with shares (29% of the […]

Is gold just a ‘pet rock’?

Legend has it that billionaire investor Warren Buffet was the first to describe gold investment as a ‘pet rock.’  In other words, gold just sits there and doesn’t ‘yield’ in the way that a property investment yields rent, or shares yield dividends. In 2020, MoneyWeek went even further saying it in fact costs you to […]

Inflation: Just a Gaslit Number?

At recent Ainslie Bullion seminars hosted by MyPlace communities across Queensland and during their quarterly online ‘Basics & Banter’, Ainslie experts set out why the official government consumer price inflation (CPI) inflation rate of 3.6% (March 2024) doesn’t feel accurate to most people. Why? Experts explained that inflation is calculated on a shopping ‘basket of […]

“The Big Short” predictor’s guide to gold

If you haven’t seen the 2015 biographical crime comedy-drama film The Big Short, it’s worth a watch. It follows metalhead market analyst Michael Burry’s prediction of the US housing crash, which is said to have triggered the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. He made $100 million from his prediction.  This week Michael revealed his $8 million wager […]

2024 EOFY Planning & Re-engagement for 2025 Firstly, thank you so much for your help and patience as our team has worked hard getting all our new SMSFs across the ATO deadlines. You may be interested to know that it is not just our company that has experienced a HUGE increase in the number of new SMSFs, but the ATO has […]

Cash use tanks. Use it or lose it

Use it or lose it This week we reported that “Aussies are being urged to dramatically alter their spending habits as new research indicates physical cash is an endangered species…Back in 2007, about 70 per cent of all transactions were made using cash, but the latest data from the Reserve Bank shows that figure […]

Investing in crypto? Be aware

Before using your SMSF funds to invest in crypto, make sure you educate yourself, check the provider is correctly registered in Australia, and that it’s not a scam. Here is a starting point: