Live & Online Events

Wed 6pm Wed 18 Sept – FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 469 463 556 066 Passcode zUozAh

Thurs 1230pm Thurs 3 Oct – FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 441 101 261 491 Passcode Knktkr

*all times AEST

Cass talks to Michael Gray Griffith about two community projects she is developing with like-minded people in rural Queensland Ferny Haven, including the ins and outs of affordable off-grid housing and community dynamics. Watch the full hour-long interview here. People have purchased to live; live in and work; invested to rent; or bought as a ‘Bug Out’ option for the future, and rent out in the meantime.

Interested? Start here Wellness Village & Retreat or set up a time to talk to Cass