Live & Online Events

LIVE 7:30pm Tues 22 Oct – MyPlace CSi Club Southport, 154A Scarborough St, Southport, Queensland

6:30pm Wed 23 Oct – FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 411 749 384 895 Passcode 2yBJyK

12:30pm Wed 6 Nov FREE online Q&A with Cass – click here to join or enter Meeting ID 418 932 891 446 Passcode tZBaDj

*all times AEDT (Canberra time)

If you haven’t seen the 2015 biographical crime comedy-drama film The Big Short, it’s worth a watch. It follows metalhead market analyst Michael Burry’s prediction of the US housing crash, which is said to have triggered the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. He made $100 million from his prediction. 

This week Michael revealed his $8 million wager on gold, as he bought into a trust that owns physical gold bullion. And he’s not the only one. Read the full story here.